Role of the Mission Liaison

1.       What is a Mission Liaison for Christ Renews purposes?

A servant leader in the mission effort to bring the Christ Renews ministry to a new parish, in which they are the single point of contact with the brand new Christ Renews parish.

A mentor to assist with continuation in the new parish once the first Christ Renews weekend has been completed.

2.       How does the liaison know what to do and how to remember to do all their duties?

Liaisons can use standard operating procedures and the scorecard developed by the Christ Renews Regional Support Team.

3.       When does a liaison step in and engage a new parish?

When the priest of the new parish (who has already made a Christ Renews weekend) has committed to Christ Renews weekends and those weekends have been scheduled on the calendar

4.       Who does the liaison work with when engaging the new parish?

Three groups of people: church staff/core team, pastor and mission CSDs

Church staff/Core Team

  • Priest will inform liaison which staff of the parish to work with.

  • Liaison schedules four meetings (one meeting a month prior to first Christ Renews retreat weekend).

  • Meetings consist of:

    • Ensure parish pays initiation fees and orders Christ Renews manuals which are giving to liaison as soon as received (so he/she can number the manuals for inventory purposes, enable the mission team to utilize, and will then return to parish after initial weekend).

    • Help discern Mission CSDs (mission CSDs then invite Mission Team to begin Formation).

    • Determine if parish is high tech or low tech in order to determine how people can sign up and accept the invitations from the pastor for the weekend.

    • Provide pastor with appropriate information to use to invite core team (six to 10 each men and women – seven of each is an ideal number for the core team.)

  • Once core team accepts pastor’s invitation, they will be a part of the meetings that you have with church staff to resolve logistical tasks

    • Resolve logistical tasks (utilize scorecard/checklist in an attempt to avoid missing any key pieces)

    • Book rooms (for initial weekends, Evenings of Discipleship, Formation meetings, and second weekends which will be 6 months later).

    • Determine overnight arrangements and secure necessary items (mattresses, cots, etc.)

    • Food signup (online or other methods).

    • Share invitations suggestions and invitations worksheet with appropriate parish staff and/or parish invitations liaison.


  • Liaison works with pastor to extend invitations to Christ Renews weekend to 24 men and 24 women parishioners (including 7 core men and 7 core women), and works until 24 men and 24 women accept. (Pastor might utilize completed Invitations Worksheet for ideas of who to invite.)

  • Pastor will first get 7 core men and 7 core women signed up before moving on to the others

Mission CSDs

  • Liaison schedules a meeting with Mission CSDs and mentors (if needed)

  • Communicate which logistics will be handled by Mission Liaison and church staff/core team

  • Ensure Mission CSDs work with lead parish to book rooms for formation meetings

* After each meeting with church staff/core team and Mission CSDs, mission liaison will provide an update to the Regional Support Team (RST)

Mission Liaison Standard Operating Procedures

Mission Liaison Parish Scorecard

Weekend in a Box