
The following information has been provided by St. Elizabeth’s parish as a model for the ministry of Sacristan.

Two months before retreat: 

  1. Contact Katie Mitchell in the Parish Office to secure three to four priests for the Reconciliation Service held Saturday evening of the retreat.  Ask for the specific priests’ names and telephone numbers.

  2. Request the priests arrive at the church by 8:00 p.m. Saturday evening.

  3. Request checks for the priests from Vicki Kinney.

One month before retreat:

  1. Begin gathering chapel-appropriate music.

  2. Coordinate with CSD (co-spiritual director) for chapel coverage throughout the Retreat.

  3. Coordinate with CSD for the Reconciliation Service; who will read, who will play music.

  4. Coordinate with CSD and your team who will assist at Mass; need two Altar servers, two readers, reader for Prayers of the Faithful, two Gift Bearers, and four (if celebrant is distributing Communion, only three additional are necessary) Eucharistic Ministers; also coordinate music and assign song leader.

  5. Coordinate with CSD and your team who will assist with foot washing.  Need six people to assist.

One week before retreat:

  1. Personally telephone priests to confirm Reconciliation Service details.

Friday of retreat weekend:

  1. Prepare Chapel; clean and vacuum room.

  2. Move in 40 chairs from Seton Hall.

  3. Place tables with lamps and spiritual pictures in Chapel.

  4. Arrange altar area in chapel:
                    Small table for Tabernacle
                    Tablecloth for table
                    Portable silver Tabernacle
                    Battery flicker candle or real candles to light by Blessed Sacrament

  5. Move in two kneelers from Server’s Sacristy in Church to place in front of altar.

  6. Move in music stand from choir loft for readers to read; attach light clip to stand.

  7. Place candles around Chapel; candles are in the CRHP closet.

  8. Place dishes of Holy Water on small tables by both doors in hallway; dishes are in the CRHP supply closet and Holy Water is in Server’s Sacristy by the windows.

  9. Place cd player and cd’s in discreet place you can access

  10. Place several candle lighters in discreet areas you can access.


  1. 6:00 a.m.:  Arrive at chapel..

  2. Light all candles.

  3. Play music softly.

  4. 6:30 a.m.:  Meet Father to process the Blessed Eucharist from Church to Chapel.

  5. 6:45 a.m.:  Team in chapel for prayer service.

  6. 8:00 a.m.:  Greet new retreatants and your team for welcome service in the Chapel.

  7. 1:20 p.m.:  Lead all to Chapel for shared prayer.

  8. 6:15 p.m.:  Prepare for Reconciliation Service.

  9. Place cd with quiet music in Church; play music as retreatants arrive.

  10. Arrange one small votive candle for each retreatant on table at front of center aisle.

  11. Arrange can of sand with punks on table at front of center aisle.

  12. Arrange one pebble/rock in dish for each retreatant to pick up as they enter at 75th Street entrance of church.

  13. 8:00 p.m.:  Greet priests at door and show them the arrangements.

  14. 8:25 p.m.:  Greet each retreatant as they enter and offer them a pebble/rock to carry into the Church.

  15. Place the dish with pebbles/rocks on the table in the front of the center aisle.

  16. As each retreatant participates in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, they then go to the center aisle of the church, leave their pebble/rock, and light a candle.

  17. 9:30 p.m.:  Remove all Reconciliation Service materials.

  18. 9:30 p.m.:  Prepare Church for Mass immediately after Reconciliation Service.

  19. Set up Gifts on table in center aisle of church, in front of dividing pew.  Prepare pitcher of wine and hosts; make sure you count out for retreatants and team.

  20. Place key in side tabernacle.

  21. Arrange readings and Prayers of the Faithful on Ambo.  Normal weekend Mass readings and Prayers of the Faithful.

  22. Arrange linens, chalices, patens, water, water dish on credence table near Altar.

  23. Secure readers, Gift Bearers, and Eucharistic Ministers are in place.

  24. Ensure music is ready and song leader is in place.

  25. Sacristan or team members are the Altar Servers.

  26. 10:20 p.m.:  Mass begins.

  27. 11:30 p.m.:  Clear all Mass materials.


  1. 6:30 a.m.:  Arise, and refresh Chapel.

  2. Relight candles.

  3. Play music as retreatants arrive.

  4. 7:15 a.m.:  Greet retreatants and your team.

  5. 1:00 p.m.:  Prepare Church for Mass.

  6. Place cd player in front with cd’s.

  7. Ensure round of chairs on altar; one for each retreatant.

  8. Set up Gifts on table in center aisle of church, in front of dividing pew.  Prepare pitcher of wine and hosts; make sure you count out for retreatants and team.

  9. Place key in side tabernacle.

  10. Arrange readings on the Ambo.  The readings are from Holy Thursday service.

  11. Arrange linens, chalices, patens, water, water dish on credence table near Altar.

  12. Secure readers, Gift Bearers, and Eucharistic Ministers are in place.

  13. Arrange two basins for foot washing; one in each Sacristy at sides of Altar.

  14. Arrange two pitchers for foot washing, next to the basins.

  15. Arrange two towels for each retreatant.

  16. Arrange extra pitchers of water in Priest’s Sacristy and Server’s Sacristy.

  17. Arrange one basket in each Sacristy for towels.

  18. Secure foot washing assistants are trained and in place.

  19. Ensure music is ready for Foot Washing and for Commitments; ensure Song Leader is in place.

  20. 1:45 p.m.:  Process Blessed Eucharist to Church.

  21. Sacristan or team members are the Altar servers.

  22. 2:00 p.m.:  Mass begins.

  23. 2:15 p.m.:  Bring basins, pitchers, and towels to the center area by first chair on each side.

  24. Clean away all foot washing materials.

  25. Play soft instrumental music during Commitment prayers

  26. 3:15 p.m.:  Clear all Mass materials.  Clear Chapel materials.  Sacristan washes all towels.

Christ Renews Chapel Signup Form