Role of the Mission Catalyst

This is a long process which will involve various twists and turns.  Catalyst should become familiar with timetable as defined in Liaison SOP. We are not in control, we attempt to do our part, be open to the Holy Spirit and take the gift forward when we are first able to do so. 

Part I     Engaging the Lead Parish

  1. Obtain a Parish Point of Contact that is committed to gaining commitment from Pastor and or Continuation Committee.  Sharing the updated “Liaison CRHP Overview” Document is a good choice to begin the communication process.

  2. Once commitment to be the lead parish is obtained, work with the Same Point of Contact to begin the process of discerning a Liaison.  The ideal Liaison is not the current leader of the Continuation Committee but likely a past leader of the committee and someone who must possess heart, drive, desire along with outstanding communication and organizational skills.

  3. Once you have an individual that has a strong interest, they would meet with another member of our Regional Support Team that has served as a Liaison.  This will enable the potential Liaison to review the position guide from start to finish with a veteran, and learn from someone who has walked the path from start to finish. 

  4. After meeting with a former Liaison, prayer and reflection, and mutual agreement that it is a good fit, Liaison is discerned.

  5. Repeat above steps as is necessary.

Part II    Engaging the Receiving Parish

  1. Catalyst reaches out to target parishes to determine interest.

  2. Contact with target parish usually goes best when a parishioner at target parish is engaged to obtain commitment from the Pastor regarding a desire and willingness to explore.

  3. If Pastor has interest, he will need to reach out to Father Tom Tank or similar to obtain a better understanding of the impact and responsibilities of the Pastor.

  4. If Pastor remains interested and offers commitment, Catalyst would then meet with Pastor’s staff member to obtain their buy in and discuss next step.

  5. Catalyst and Liaison would likely be invited to address the Pastoral Council or designated committee at receiving parish in an attempt to obtain commitment from lay leadership.

  6. If Pastor, Staff, and lay leadership are in agreement about desire to move forward, mutually convenient dates are selected for men’s and women’s weekends in the following spring or fall.

  7. Registration fees are paid and manuals are ordered.

Part III   Engaging the Mission Teams

  1. Liaison discerns an Assistant / Emergency Backup

  2. Liaison and Assistant meet with Experienced Liaison to firm up strategy

  3. Liaison works with Pastors to discern Men’s and Women’s CSDs

  4. Invitations are extended by Pastor / CSDs to begin process of forming the Mission Teams.

  5. Catalyst steps out of the equation and moves on to the next targeted parish on the list.