Invitation Suggestions for Receiving Parish
Check the Invitations section of Retreat Support for ideas and templates. The following are some suggestions for the receiving parish invitations liaison.
Retreatants should live within parish boundaries, but do not have to be registered parishioners.
Retreatants should be at least 19 years of age or have pastor’s approval.
Set up registration process, on line or paper forms.
As registrations forms are received by parish invitations liaison, call retreatant to thank for signing up and let them know a letter will be coming with more details.
If desired, send thank you letter from pastor
As registration forms are received by parish invitations liaison, create spreadsheet with information from forms including contact info and special needs. Provide spreadsheet to Mission Team six weeks prior to retreat. Give weekly updates after that.
Publicize retreat through ministry meetings, materials in the gathering space, bulletin boards, parish office and school office, bulletin and on website.
Provide 2-3 parish directories so mission team members can go through books to see if they know anyone personally to invite.
Send confirmation letter with retreat details one-two weeks prior to retreat. Include follow up meeting date and location after retreat.
If there is a waiting list, keep those on the waiting list informed as to status.
Parishes often find it helpful to identify specific key contacts in parish organizations and reach out to those individuals to encourage their participation in the weekend. See the Invitations Worksheet in Invitations.